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Generates the economic inputs to your business value case.
The entire software delivery team includes everyone responsible for successfully delivering customer value, such as developers, product management, program managers, portfolio leaders, and IT operations.
PMs include - Product management, program managers, portfolio managers, project managers, scrum masters
The fully loaded cost or run rate of an employee ranges from 25% - 40% more than their base salary.
Aspects of quality missed in initial attempt at completing a piece of work the first time e.g. a piece of code that was not unit tested before system integration or a feature that was implemented without adequate time understanding the customer problem space
Time spent by PMs (Project Managers, Portfolio Managers, Product Managers, Scrum Masters etc) on manual data extraction and adhoc reports. This consists of reports not provided by your dedicated reporting or analysts team
Time spent by delivery team members on manual data extraction and adhoc reports. This consists of reports not provided by your dedicated reporting or analysts team
The number of people dedicated to manual data collection and reporting for your organization
The annual licensing cost for each tooling solution e.g. Large Scale Agile Planing, Product and Portfolio Management, Time Tracking, and Roadmapping capabilities.
Your transformation could be digital, ways or working, transitioning to a product operating model etc
Misalignment generates significant amounts of waste in organizations. Leaders struggle with the visibility of work in progress and teams struggle to see how their work connects with the broader organizational strategy.
Reducing time spent on manual creation of reports and data collection enables your BI teams to increase value-add time on analyzing real-time data and generating real-time insights.
Teams spending their valuable time gathering data, validating data hygiene, and creating ad-hoc reports results in wasted effort that could be focused on customer value creation.
Achieving first-time quality is a powerful lever for accelerating business transformation and maximizing ROI. Unnecessary rework, accounting for up to 26% of team efforts, can cost millions annually. By addressing this inefficiency, organizations can redirect resources to value-driven outcomes.
Often organizations use disconnected software to collect and manage data in order to provide centralized reporting on strategy execution. Consolidating tooling on average saves 20% on licensing.
Having a real-time view of how your transformation is progressing enables organizations to inspect and adapt in real-time, accelerating operating model implementation and time to value.